Furoshiki Geschenke
© Goin’ Japanesque!

Final spurt to the festive days

Christmas is coming! Were you already able to leave the stress behind you and enjoy some days for resting already?

Wer weiss, vielleicht muss das ein oder andere Geschenk doch noch eingepackt werden. Frohe und besinnliche Weihnachten! Hier ein noch ein nützlicher Artikel:

7 Styles of Traditional Japanese Wrapping: Super Helpful to Remember! 

The act of wrapping things is practiced often in our daily lives; for example, when you want to send someone a gift, or you are walking around carrying valuable items. In the past, people in Japan had used a single piece of cloth for wrapping. This almost magical cloth is indeed the “furoshiki”.

Today, we want to introduce several ways of Japanese style wrapping using this furoshiki.

1. Otsukai Tsutsumi (Errands Wrap)

Bildquelle: © Goin’ Japanesque!

Find the original article with useful video tutorials and further techniques here: http://goinjapanesque.com/

Have fun with wrapping presents! Merry Christmas!

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